How to Let Go of Perfectionism and Two Journal Prompts for Your Mental Health

How to Let Go of Perfectionism and Two Journal Prompts for Your Mental Health

Perfectionism is something many of us wrestle with at some point in our lives. It’s that ever-present pressure to be the ideal version of ourselves — to maintain the perfect job, relationship, or lifestyle. But what happens when we step back and question that pressure? What happens when we allow ourselves to be imperfect? Keep reading for a couple of journal prompts I think you’ll REALLY love!

Spoiler alert: freedom awaits.

Perfection is a Myth

We’re often sold the illusion that perfection is possible, but here's the truth: perfection doesn’t exist. Whether it's the flawless image of success we see online or the expectation to be the perfect friend, parent, or partner, the chase for perfection leads us down an endless road. There is no finish line. Instead, embracing imperfection invites a sense of relief — a reminder that we are human, and being human means being real, not perfect.

It can feel hard to let go of the idea of perfection, especially when we’re surrounded by messages telling us otherwise. But once we bust the myth, we create space for something far more authentic and fulfilling.

Why Do We Chase Perfection?

Behind the quest for perfection often lies something deeper. It might be rooted in the belief that if we are perfect, we will be shielded from difficulties. Or maybe we feel that perfection will finally earn us love and validation. For many, the pressure stems from messages we received early on, whether from family, society, or our own internal dialogue.

Understanding why we strive for perfection is an important first step in letting go. By becoming curious about the reasons behind our perfectionist tendencies, we can begin to unravel them.

So, ask yourself: Why am I holding myself to this impossible standard?

Gaining insight into your personal "why" is the key to releasing some of that pressure.

Practical Steps to Release Perfectionism

  1. Practice Self-Compassion
    One of the most powerful ways to combat perfectionism is by practicing self-compassion. When we speak kindly to ourselves, we can soften the sharp edges of our inner critic. Start by jotting down a few self-compassion statements:
    • "I'm learning and growing with each step I take."
    • "It's okay to not have it all figured out."
    • "I am enough, exactly as I am."
  2. When we practice kindness toward ourselves, perfectionism begins to lose its hold.
  3. Do Things Imperfectly (On Purpose!)
    Sounds counterintuitive, right? But allowing yourself to do things imperfectly can be liberating. Whether it's tackling a creative project or making a new recipe, giving yourself permission to make mistakes teaches you that imperfection is not only okay — it’s necessary for growth. This practice builds resilience and flexibility, helping you realize that you can thrive through imperfection.
  4. Stop Procrastination in Its Tracks
    Perfectionism and procrastination often go hand in hand. If you’ve ever thought, “If I can’t do it perfectly, I won’t do it at all,” then you’re familiar with this dynamic. Perfectionism can trick us into waiting for the "right moment" or for things to be just so before we act. But in reality, there’s power in simply starting — even when things feel messy or incomplete.
    Letting go of procrastination allows you to move forward and creates momentum. Remember, progress is better than perfection.

Finding Freedom in Imperfection

Breaking free from perfectionism is an ongoing journey, but each step you take helps you release the pressure and move toward a more authentic, fulfilling life. It’s not about doing things perfectly; it’s about showing up for yourself, embracing the messiness of growth, and finding peace in being enough, just as you are.

As you continue this journey of self-compassion and self-acceptance, know that you are capable of moving through the discomfort of imperfection. This is where true growth happens.

Becoming Anchored in Hope,


P.S. Here are those journal prompts I promised!

Reflect on a recent situation where you felt the pressure to be perfect. What were the underlying beliefs or fears driving that feeling? How might you approach that situation differently if you allowed yourself to embrace imperfection?

Think about an area of your life where you hold yourself to an impossible standard. What would it feel like to release some of that pressure? Write about how you could practice self-compassion and give yourself permission to be imperfect in that area.

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