How to Understand What is Good for Your Mental Health

How to Understand What is Good for Your Mental Health

In our ongoing journey towards nurturing our well-being, it's essential to understand what is good for our mental health. Mental health is a broad term, encompassing various aspects of our emotional and psychological well-being. Thankfully, society is increasingly recognizing its importance and finding ways to enhance it. One of the best things we can do for our mental health is to pause and get curious about what is and isn’t working for us. This involves identifying what helps us thrive and what might be hindering our well-being.

The Before-During-After Technique

A valuable tool that we use at Anchored Counseling, our sister company, is the Before-During-After technique, rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy. This technique helps us analyze our experiences, whether they are personal or involve interactions with others, events we attend, or any other situations.

Before: Understanding Triggers

The "Before" column is where we identify how we felt prior to an experience. This can be applied both proactively, before an anticipated event, and retroactively, after an event has occurred. Here, we look at what might have triggered us, setting the stage for our emotional response.

During: Observing Thoughts and Sensations

The "During" column focuses on what happens in the moment. This includes our thoughts, physical sensations, urges, and behaviors. Our physical sensations are crucial cues to our emotional experiences. By paying attention to these sensations, we can gain insight into our emotional state. For example, physical discomfort might indicate feelings of fear, shame, or judgment, while a sense of calm might reflect confidence and contentment.

After: Evaluating Consequences

The "After" column examines the short-term and long-term consequences of our behaviors. By reflecting on these outcomes, we can assess whether the experience was beneficial or detrimental to our mental health. This helps us understand patterns and make informed decisions about similar situations in the future.

Tuning Into Bodily Signals

One of the best ways to determine if something is good for mental health is by tuning into our bodily signals. Our bodies often provide clear indicators of our emotional states. By paying attention to physical sensations, we can discern whether an experience is positively or negatively affecting us. For instance, feelings of discomfort may point to underlying emotions such as fear or shame, while feelings of ease and confidence suggest a positive impact.

Recognizing Patterns and Setting Boundaries

Another important aspect of maintaining good mental health is recognizing patterns in our behavior. For example, over-committing to too many activities, even if they are enjoyable, can lead to stress and burnout. Learning to pace ourselves and say no when necessary is vital for our well-being. Setting boundaries helps us manage our commitments and ensures that we prioritize our mental health.

By understanding what is good for mental health, we can make informed decisions that foster our well-being and allow us to thrive. Let’s continue this journey together, embracing practices that nurture our mental health and empower us to live our best lives.

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: "I make choices that nurture my mental health and support my overall well-being."

Becoming Anchored in Hope,
