Five Reasons Why Practicing Cognitive Flexibility Improves Mental Health

Five Reasons Why Practicing Cognitive Flexibility Improves Mental Health

We all have thousands of thoughts every day, many of which are automatic and shaped by our emotions, life experiences, and even past traumas. But not all of these thoughts are true or helpful. In fact, some of them can be distorted or overly critical, especially when we’re under stress. That’s where cognitive flexibility comes in. It’s the ability to shift our thinking, challenge our automatic thoughts, and open ourselves to new perspectives. Practicing cognitive flexibility isn’t just about changing how we think — it’s a powerful way to improve our mental health and overall well-being.

Here are five key reasons why cognitive flexibility is so important and how you can start practicing it today.

  1. We Can Shift Automatic Thoughts

Cognitive flexibility gives us the ability to pause and examine our automatic thoughts before accepting them as truth. Often, our first thought is shaped by our emotional state, past experiences, or deep-rooted beliefs that may not be accurate. For example, if you’re feeling anxious, your automatic thoughts might be full of worry or self-doubt. By practicing flexible thinking, you can ask yourself, "What else could be true?" This simple question opens the door to new perspectives and helps you break free from rigid or negative thought patterns.

  1. It Encourages Self-Compassion

We tend to be our own harshest critics, especially when things go wrong. Cognitive flexibility allows us to soften that inner voice and practice more self-compassion. Instead of jumping to negative conclusions about yourself or your situation, you can explore other possibilities. Maybe the mistake you made at work isn’t a sign of failure but an opportunity to learn. Maybe that critical thought about yourself isn’t based on fact but rather an old belief that no longer serves you. When we shift our thinking in this way, we create space for self-kindness and growth.

  1. It Reduces Assumptions About Others

Our relationships with others can also benefit from cognitive flexibility. When we’re quick to assume the worst about someone’s intentions, we risk creating unnecessary conflict or disconnection. By practicing flexible thinking, we can pause and ask ourselves, "What else could be true about this situation?" This helps us see things from another person’s perspective, reduce misunderstandings, and improve our communication with loved ones.

  1. It Improves Mental Health Outcomes

Research has shown that cognitive flexibility is linked to better mental health outcomes. People who are more flexible in their thinking tend to experience lower levels of anxiety, depression, OCD, and trauma responses. Why? Because when we’re able to challenge our negative thoughts and open ourselves to new ways of thinking, we break the cycle of rigid patterns that contribute to these conditions. Flexible thinking helps us regulate our emotions and respond to stress in healthier ways.

  1. It Enhances Quality of Life

Being stuck in rigid thinking patterns can limit our ability to fully enjoy life. Cognitive flexibility allows us to approach challenges with an open mind, making us more adaptable to change and more resilient in the face of adversity. Whether it’s dealing with a difficult situation at work, navigating a relationship conflict, or simply managing day-to-day stress, flexible thinking helps us feel less trapped by our thoughts and more empowered to make choices that improve our well-being.

How to Start Practicing Cognitive Flexibility

The great thing about cognitive flexibility is that it’s a skill we can all develop. Start by noticing your automatic thoughts and asking yourself, "What else could be true?" Give yourself permission to consider different perspectives, and remember that your thoughts are not facts. With time and practice, you’ll find that flexible thinking becomes more natural, leading to better mental health and a more fulfilling life. Kimberley Quinlan of @theanxietytoolkit offers meaningful resources when it comes to extra support in this arena.

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: "I have the power to change how I respond to my thoughts."

At Becoming Anchored Co., we believe that mental health is a journey of growth, self-reflection, and learning to challenge the ways we think. Practicing cognitive flexibility is one of the many tools that can help you feel more empowered and connected to yourself and others.

Becoming Anchored in Hope,


At Becoming Anchored Co., we are dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey toward personal growth and well-being. Our resources, including our podcast, blog, merchandise, and online courses, are designed to inspire and empower you. We believe in the importance of creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where every story is valued and honored. Our mission is to provide tools and insights that foster resilience, connection, and authenticity.

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